Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Art Heals! Eric Baumgartner and his ARTistic Journey

How do you heal? We all have been faced with challenges in our lives and for each of us we have our own way of dealing with them.  Learning to find a coping mechanism that expresses our feelings and releases our thoughts and emotions in a positive way can sometimes be an obstacle in itself.  A Cortland resident, Eric Baumgartner, finds his healing through art.  He expresses, “Art heals, it allows for self expression, a way to clear my mind, I get lost in what I do.  I can take a break from the world, zone out and paint what I feel."

Eric, or "Big E" as he is referred to by his social media followers, is man of stature. Standing 6'6 himself, he is covered in his own artwork.  Each tattoo representing a significant meaning in his life.  Eric is a gentle soul with a kindred spirit. He is artistic in many ways, but his true passion is in his painting.

His journey began at a young age.  Eric grew up in Warren, Ohio, and his interest in art started with design.  In grade school Eric was intrigued with low-rider cars, particularly the 63 Chevy Impala.  The sleek bodylines and distinct authenticity of this vehicle brought character that was unique. Just like Eric. 

Eric described his childhood memories of being stereotyped and often having feelings of exclusion.  His stature and build were not typical for his age.  He would always turn to art to help release those feelings and had special mentors along the way that could see and feel his struggles, specifically his art teachers. They knew Eric had a special gift and challenged him through various projects.  

One of Eric's favorite artists, with whom he identifies, is Salvador Dali. Eric describes his work as, "Organized chaos that takes everyday things and creates art.  His paintings are different and I like that.  My paintings are different and at times have been controversial. It's my own outlook, they may look distorted to some and perfect to others, but it doesn't bother me.  It's how it makes you feel and your interpretation could be different from mine, and that's okay." Eric toggles between both "light" and "dark" paintings, which makes him very versatile in his creations. He likes to create both, he expresses, "It helps others, I can connect with people on different levels and I enjoy that. If I can reach people through art and help them overcome sadness or become a stronger person and grow, then I have accomplished."

Eric lives by the motto; "Things happen in life, it's important to surround yourself with positivity. Be you, grow from your experiences, stay strong and keep the faith."

Eric, participates in the #freeartmovement on Instagram, be sure to keep an eye out for his shared work.  If you're interested in contacting Eric, please email him at

Take time to find your ARTistic passion along your life's journey. When you realize that special gift that resonates with your soul, you will know and your healing will begin. This blog has been created around positivity and to encourage one another, so please feel free to comment with kindness.  

"Art heals, it allows for self expression, a way to clear my mind. I get lost in what I do.  I can take a break from the world,  zone out and paint what I feel." - Eric Baumgartner